🟣 1996

Power Arm Ninja / Kung Fu

• The silver cords of the weapons are in bad taste > need to be swapped with new ones.

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Mission Extreme + Display Stand + Survival Base Camp + Outdoor Survival Kit + Mission Guerilla

• Missing the Outdoor Survival Kit binoculars (on purpose)• Addition of the necklace compass, the brown shovel and the 2x dehydrated food ration

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• Addition of the camo headband and armband, the fish necklace

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• Addition of the sticker in the electronic gauntlet / The red armband / Swapping of the old rubber webbing for a more durable AM stickered one (Max Steel) with a custom blue neoprene holster for the sidegun• Addition of a metal Kriss Vector machinegun

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L.S.V. Commander

• The rubber band of the green goggles must be replaced

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• Addition of the dog Asphalt, the shotgun, the dogtags.

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Operation A.T.A.K.

• Addition of the beret, the missile launcher, the belt and pouches, the goggles, the knife

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